I’ve been itching to get back to some good blogging again. As my time continues to be limited these days, I still try to carve out space for sewing garments for my personal closet. I have also been trying to enhance my sewing techniques. With the sewing comes the desire to post garments for my reference and for anyone else who needs some type of fashion and sewing inspirations.
I was selected to be a Minerva Brand Ambassador last year. Minerva, an online fabric website, has so many great fabric choices as well as all things sewing related like patterns and notions. What’s also great about the website is that you can see projects created by other sewers using the fabric you may be interested in purchasing. I love that because you can preview how the fabric drapes on the bod. You also learn about working with that fabric’s particulars by someone who has personally dealt with it.

For my recent trip to Puerto Rico (more details to come), I decided to use this Viscose Jersey Stretch Knit to create a long wrap dress. I was instantly drawn to this print because I love anything with animal print. I have a strong love-hate relationship with stretch knits when it comes to construction. I stuggle with wonky hems and puckering and a lot of other issues. But since I’ve returned to sewing more frequenlty, I’ve been finding ways to correct my mistakes, especially with fabrics I don’t like working with. The fabric was also ultra lightweight and comfortable. I wore the animal print dress for dinner on warm Puerto Rican evening .

I created the the animal print dress by using this discontinued McCalls 6024 pattern, with modifications. I cut view C and omitted the flounce on the neckline and sleeves. Extended the bottom to make the dress floor length and even hand stitched the hem. Because the fabric was stretch, I removed the darts in the bodice but kept the bust darts. For the sleeves, I self drafted a long sleeve that allowed with volume on the wrists. I lengthened the ties and shortened their width.

I really loved how the result of the dress. I’m not sold on the idea of working with stretch knit in the future but I can say that I’ve now gotten over my frustrations with it.